Modern technologies used by manufacturers of flour and flour products can produce high quality product, which fully meets requirements of the consumer. The process of flour production in the modern private enterprise "Zakhid-Khlib-Zbut-2002", allows better preservation of all useful properties of grain and receive flour of the highest grades. Due to the introduction and development of new technologies, professional staff and excellent raw materials, our company is able to maintain competitive price for flour. Our company has firmly taken its niche in the market of production and sales of flour in Ukraine.
Control of quality begins at the stage of raw materials procurement. The company audits suppliers what means that every company supplying grain confirms its quality. During the input control in enterprise and accredited laboratories, companies’ data gets final confirmation, and only then the grain is allowed to processing. Co-operation with audited grain producers from environmentally-friendly areas of Western Ukraine guarantees stable safety of the final product.
Wheat flour is one of the few major food products, quality of which affects the features of the process during processing much. However, grain batches may differ from one another by certain characteristics, but these variations do not affect the stability of the quality of the final product. Modernization of manufacturing equipment and installation of the equipment of Swiss company "Buler" with systems of continuous surveillance on set technological characteristics optimally fulfils every customer’s order, as the quality characteristics of flour used to make baguette or, wafers differs significantly. Our "know-how" is accurate adjusting of quality characteristics of flour to the peculiarities of the technological process of each of our clients.
Оur success is success of our clients, excellent quality of their products from cake to rye bread. Today the company is able to produce a wide variety of flours with different quality characteristics: content of gluten, indicators of MDG, falling number, and others. We sell the flour for optimal wholesale prices and guarantee quality of our production. Our customers simply say what they produce and they can choose flour with the optimal characteristics for their technological process and, in particular, important indicator - price - flour.
It is easy and profitable to buy flour in PE "Zakhid-Khlib-Zbut-2002".
The main our customers are:
- PJSC «KONZERN KHLIBPROM»: Lviv bakery №1, Lviv bakery №2, Lviv bakery №5, Rivne bakery, Kalush bakery, Sambir bakery
- PJSC «Lviv confectionery «Svitoch» - worldwide known producer of sweets
- LLC «Confectionery «Yarych» - widely known producer of cookies and sweets
- LLC «ASHAN UKRAINA HYPERMARKET» - International trade network of supermarkets and hypermarkets
- LLC «Khlibodar», LLC «Saranets » - ТМ «Rumianets»
- OJSC «Holding company «Bread investments»: LLC «Grocery company «Zagrava-Lutsk» - macaroni factory ТМ «Маkarella», OJSC «Khlib» - Lutsk bakery, OJSC «Tsar Khlib» - Sevastopol, OJSC «Chernivtsi bread-making industrial complex» - Chernivtsi
- LLC «STIOMI-Holding» - Khmelnytsk bread-making industrial complex
- LLC «Ukrainian macaroni» - macaroni factory ТМ «Taia»
- Corporation «Аhroprodservis» - one of the biggest agricultural holdings in Ukraine
- PJSC «Polissiakhlib» - Rivne bakery
- LLC «Halychyna-Lasunka» - producers of ice-cream “Lasunka”
- LLC «Теrnopilkhlibprom» - (Ternopil bakery)
- PE «Моnolit» - town Теrnopil
- PE «Bakery» - town Кremenets
- LLC «Fozzi-Food» - network of supermarkets «Silpo»
- LLC «Hal-Аgroprom» - town Іvano-Frankivsk
- LLC «Khlib Zhmerynshchyny» - town Vinnytsia
- LLC «Khmelnychanka»
- LLC «Entertainment center «Podolyany» - town Теrnopil
- LLC «Теrnopil sweets»
- LLC «Marcon» - town Chernivtsi
- Тrade-retail union of Berezhany Regional Cooperative Society – town Berezhany
- Self-supporting separated Subdepartment «Public catering» Теrebovlia Regional Cooperative Society – town Terebovlia
- PAE «Мarket-Teko» Chortkiv Regional Cooperative Society – town Chortkiv, and others.
Swiss technology, excellent quality!
Our address: 46008, m. Ternopil, 44a Gayova st.
For more information: (0352) 55 01 13
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